About Us

Chairman's Desk

EMIT was started by Our Chairman Mr. Ashu Mahawar to provide the Best Education to its Students. Along with fulfillment of each commitment given to them. Leading to provide Students with complete Knowledge of the Skill they are trained in.

Our major purpose is to serve the Nation by creating a Skilled Work Force to solve the problem of UN-Employment.

As the economy booms, the demand for Accounts Manager grows at the same pace. Today Accounting is recognized as a frontier area of knowledge and also a critical enabling tool for assimilation, processing, and productivity all other spheres of knowledge. India has achieved tremendous growth in this area and is now being considered as a potential Account Super Power in the world. Information technology is going to change each & every facet of human existence and will usher in a knowledge-based society in the 21st century.

GST Accounts Manager education requires high-quality competence & systemic procedure to make competitive Accounts Professionals. The main motive behind the establishment of EMIT was to provide Professional Accounts Education to every corner of the country at Justified fees.

Through this Accounts course program, we ensure that our student learns more & more and become a dynamic human being. Our Well Trained, efficient, energetic, dedicated, and capable team members urge the student to move forward to acquire greater professional competence. And they are exposed to rigorous training and real-world projects.

We are sure our students can meet any demand & challenges they have to face during their career & We Wish them Great Success in all their Endeavors and Quest for a Better Future, for themselves and Mankind.

ashu photo off
Mr. Ashu Mahawar (Chairman)

Future in Accounts as Career

There is a huge demand of GST Accounts Professional’s in the Market . We have concentrated on the supply, by the giving required skill set to our student’s, that is required by the Market.

Educational Mission Of Information Technology (EMIT) was established in 2002 with Sole Aim of Empowering its Student with Appropriate Knowledge and Skills to Face the Competitive Professional World & Prove them to be the Best Employees Available.

EMIT has managed to bring about a paradigm shift, in the mind of thousand’s of people who think that Accounts Job is mere Book Keeping and Clerical Job.

Since last 19 Years we have Placed all the Student who  Joined our Job oriented Courses. And made our Students an Earning Member of Their Family & Make Them Feel Proud.



Quality Policy

To Strengthen Our Position in the Industry through Vocational & Formal Training.

By enhancing the Satisfaction of Students and Employers.

By Innovating Courses According to the Demand of Industry and Edge Technology.

To Develop a Team of Well Trained, Dedicated & Motivated Task Force with High Ethical Norms.

To Provide Best Training & Skills to Youth & Generate One of the Best Accounts Manager’s.

To evolve and position EMIT as a world-class progressive cost-effective and student-friendly institution.

Providing career-oriented IT-enabled training Service to society especially the unemployed youth.

To provide economic independence to all the students especially the poor & backward who are facing the problem of unemployment.

Each member of team EMIT is committed to create value for customer satisfaction and achieve above expectations by the deliverance of quality service.

We believe in quality trusts self-motivation, innovation, hands-on, learning teaching equanimity.

Integrating frontiers of technology.

Excelling in corporate values.

Authorised Training Centre of NSDC & Skill India

Sample Student Certificate of Government Course

Our Diploma Course Certificate is Valid in all Government Jobs & MNC's World Wide